Lodge St Molios No 774 will have been consecrated one hundred and twenty five years ago this coming May. To celebrate this anniversary, there will be a Rededication Ceremony held on Saturday 16 May 2015, conducted by the Provincial Grand Lodge of Argyll & the Isles. The Rededication Meeting will be held in the Community Theatre situated within Arran High School in Lamlash and will tyle at 12 o’clock noon.
Subsequent to the Ceremony, there will be a celebratory meal, including complementary wines, served within the High School building followed by speeches. Tickets for the occasion will cost £30.00. Any brother wishing to purchase a ticket to attend the Ceremony and meal will also receive an engraved whisky glass and an enamelled commemorative penny that has been struck especially for the day.
The Meeting is timed to allow Visiting Brethren to travel to Arran and depart on the same day, should they so desire. Details of ferry times between Ardrossan/Brodick and Claonaig/ Lochranza can be found on the Caledonian MacBrayne website and buses are fairly frequent between Brodick and Lamlash.
At this time, tickets are limited to 120 attendees and I would request that application for tickets, with payment, be forwarded to the Acting Lodge Secretary by 28 February 2015. Could applicants for ticket also please advise the Lodge Secretary of their name, rank in which they will be attending, postal address and, if available, email address.
Contact details
D.S. Bannatyne
Kings Cross,
Isle of Arran
KA27 8RG
Tel: (01770) 700397
Daytime Tel: (01770) 302777
Email: secretary@lodge774.co.uk